
IG conversion funnel

The multilanguage website allows users from across 30+ individual countries using 20 different languages to find opportunities in both rising and falling markets.  

 As a lead UI designer, I focused on creating a new design system that would work for international users across the globe. The new platform was consistent with ig.com, but the content was country/region specific.

As a lead UI designer, I focused on creating a new design system that would work for international users across the globe. The new platform was consistent with ig.com, but the content was country/region specific.

Component-based design system

Component-based design system

My intention was to create a unified design system that would work with each country's specific content.

 As a lead visual designer on this project, I focused on responsive design prioritising a tablet and mobile experience.

As a lead visual designer on this project, I focused on responsive design prioritising a tablet and mobile experience.
